Return nodes, sorted by similarity to the search term. Use search=<str> to search identifier for prefix match, and name for substring and trigram searches (similarity defaults to 0.3); Use search=<str>&similarity=<value> to set your own similarity value in the range of (0, 1.0]. Set similarity=1.0 to exclude trigram search. Filter for select metanodes using metanodes=<str>, where <str> is a comma-separated list of metanode abbreviations. For example, metanodes=C,D will restrict to Compound and Disease nodes.

Set other-node=<node_id> to return non-null values for metapath_count. metapath_counts measures the number of metapaths stored in the database between the result node and other node. If search and other-node and both specified, results are sorted by search similarity and results with metapath_count == 0 are returned. If other-node is specified but not search, results are sorted by metapath_count (descending) and only results with metapath_count > 0 are returned.

GET /v1/nodes/?format=api&offset=46625
Allow: GET
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 47031,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "id": 46624,
            "identifier": "GO:0061005",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "cell differentiation involved in kidney development",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Biological Process"
            "id": 46625,
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            "name": "LRP11",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
                "chromosome": "6",
                "description": "low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 11"
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            "id": 46626,
            "identifier": "PC7_7394",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "Scavenging by Class F Receptors",
            "properties": {
                "source": "Reactome via Pathway Commons",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
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            "id": 46627,
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                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
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                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
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            "identifier": "GO:0051342",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "regulation of cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Biological Process"
            "id": 46630,
            "identifier": "6921",
            "identifier_type": "int",
            "name": "TCEB1",
            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
                "chromosome": "8",
                "description": "transcription elongation factor B (SIII), polypeptide 1 (15kDa, elongin C)"
            "metanode": "Gene"
            "id": 46631,
            "identifier": "GO:0036303",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "lymph vessel morphogenesis",
            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Biological Process"
            "id": 46632,
            "identifier": "727866",
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            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
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                "description": "family with sequence similarity 156, member B"
            "metanode": "Gene"
            "id": 46633,
            "identifier": "GO:0070831",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "basement membrane assembly",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Biological Process"
            "id": 46634,
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            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
                "chromosome": "17",
                "description": "radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 1"
            "metanode": "Gene"
            "id": 46635,
            "identifier": "158219",
            "identifier_type": "int",
            "name": "TTC39B",
            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
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            "metanode": "Gene"
            "id": 46636,
            "identifier": "C0002726",
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            "name": "Amyloidosis",
            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "UMLS via SIDER 4.1",
                "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
            "metanode": "Side Effect"
            "id": 46637,
            "identifier": "GO:0043401",
            "identifier_type": "str",
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            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Biological Process"
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            "name": "Sleep phase rhythm disturbance",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "UMLS via SIDER 4.1",
                "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
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                "url": "",
                "source": "Entrez Gene",
                "license": "CC0 1.0",
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                "description": "alcohol dehydrogenase 1C (class I), gamma polypeptide"
            "metanode": "Gene"
            "id": 46640,
            "identifier": "PC7_4786",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "Inwardly rectifying K+ channels",
            "properties": {
                "source": "Reactome via Pathway Commons",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
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            "id": 46641,
            "identifier": "GO:0015168",
            "identifier_type": "str",
            "name": "glycerol transmembrane transporter activity",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Molecular Function"
            "id": 46642,
            "identifier": "GO:0045125",
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            "name": "bioactive lipid receptor activity",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
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            "identifier": "GO:0016233",
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            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Gene Ontology",
                "license": "CC BY 4.0"
            "metanode": "Biological Process"
            "id": 46645,
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            "identifier_type": "int",
            "name": "AKAP13",
            "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "source": "Entrez Gene",
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                "chromosome": "15",
                "description": "A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13"
            "metanode": "Gene"
            "id": 46646,
            "identifier": "C0376288",
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            "metanode": "Side Effect"
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            "identifier": "GO:0018479",
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            "name": "benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity",
            "properties": {
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            "identifier": "GO:0007596",
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            "name": "blood coagulation",
            "properties": {
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                "source": "Gene Ontology",
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